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Koraci do uspjeha

Ukoliko si vinar, član vinarske udruge, klastera ili pak stvaraš proizvode i usluge u vinskom sektoru, te si istovremeno svjestan/a činjenice da je osim dobrog proizvoda za tržišni uspjeh potrebno imati jasnu viziju, razrađenu brend strategiju i realan marketinški plan - tada si na pravom mjestu!  Svoje usluge prilagođavamo tvojem budžetu i brinemo se da dobiješ maksimum za svoj novac.

Brošuru s više detalja preuzmi ovdje

Steps to success

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If you're a winemaker, a wine association, a cluster, or a creator of products and services in the wine sector, and you're aware that besides having a good product, market success requires a clear vision, a well-developed business strategy, and a solid marketing plan - then you're in the right place! We tailor our services to your budgets and ensure that you get the maximum value for your money.
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